Check weighing portion control using a tablet display with RFID User ID

Check weighing portion control using a tablet display with RFID User ID

Are you looking for an efficient and accurate solution for portion control and check weighing? Look no further than our latest application that utilizes a tablet display and RFID technology for user identification.

Our custom interactive tablet interface allows for seamless check weighing of products at the point of sale, ensuring accurate portion management optimizing your product usage. With a Wi-Fi connection between the tablet and the indicator, the system allows for quick and easy weight display and measurement.

The RFID technology allows for easy operator identification, allowing you to track the performance of your staff and gain valuable insights into your operations. The system also includes a logging feature that exports data to a CSV file and allows for USB download, making it easy to track and manage weight data over time.

The application runs on our C530 weight transmitter, which has been programmed in Lua for optimal performance and functionality.

At Rinstrum, we are committed to innovating tailored solutions that meet your unique needs. Contact us today to learn how we can help you optimize your operations with customized check weighing solutions.

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